martes, 10 de agosto de 2010

Human Rights

Grade:Professor Carlos Tánchez Newspaper Contribution : (final draft) II Quarter, 2010
Student: Rolando Pacheco Arroyo
Human Rights
First, is accused¨¨Luis. and Susana¨¨, when their are being working as officers of the Armed Forces, deprived of their liberty ilegítimante to the ofended ¨Carlos¨¨ and they took his celphone and distroyed without any reason, The events under investigation occurred in Golfito and were described preliminarily by the prosecution as a crime of aggravated deprivation of liberty which was for no reason.
Everyone has the right to be respected even by people with authority because we must never allow ourselves valiere treated as less. In this case the affected imposed the complaint.

The ignorance on the part of the civilian population of the Declaration of human rights lead to governments and corporations with authority to abuse and violation of these rights, because no one can claim what is not known to have or possess.
So we must ensure that the authorities responsible for enforcing these laws to make themselves known more before the whole population, who demand recognition, respect, protection and promotion of all, especially in the authority. in our country this would be THE COMMISSION INTER-AMERICAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS

Domestic Violence:
"I've lived 17 years with an abusive husband. I endured his beatings and psychological abuse because he managed to set aside as a person, got me to feel guilty. I said enough when he tried to cut my throat and take our two Kids.He is in jail since December 2001. When I denounced, I had to quit my job, my home ... and start all over again. I rebuilt my life with a wonderful man. I have not lost hope in human beings.
Here in our country family violence is common and in many cases this comes to homicide.
Domestic violence includes all acts of violence (from the use of physical force to harassment or intimidation) that occur within the home and perpetrated at least one family member against another. Its ussually victims are women, children and dependents.
The most commons consequently of violence are the physical, psychological among others. Making the complaint in such cases will bring courage, security, self confidence, but on the other side can also get to have much fear for revenge, and this leads to no longer be able to live peaceful ,can lead to a
The story leaves us the great lesson of never giving up for more difficult it seems we must be brave and face those situations that put our life.

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