This film is about a black boy who was badly treated by their parents, but he go to the high school eventhouth . The boy lived with a young man who took pity on him but his wife started telling him that she doesnt want to live more with big michael , and big michael listened, so he dicide leave there alone without knowing where to go.
In this film also acts Sandra Bulock which has a nice home, she has a doughter named Collins and a younger brother known as SJ and children's father is a millionaire owner of the franchises of KFC and Taco Bell.
Well, big michael and that children studied in the same school, but big michael was a very shy boy, and people were afraid of him as well as contempt
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The day big Michael dicide leave the house, the family of SJ and Collins, came to dinner and saw him walked alone, down the street under a shower getting wet, then they stopped the car and decided to take him to there house, the family were surprise because he said taht he doesnt has any play to stay, so in there home they gave him lodging so big Michael slept on the couch in the living room. The next day they got up and big michael was gone, left neatly folded blankets and pillow nestled in a corner of the couch, the hostess took the desition to look out and she found him, so they gave him food and started to share with him, at the point that the family started love him, at the time they deciding to give a single room for him with all amenities.
Big Michael was very excited because he never had anything like that, with the passage of time they also decided to give last names to him and look for the real mother to explain what they wanted to do with him and she accept it, Michael started up the notes, and SJ was thrilled with his new brother, also registered in the football team which at first did not do much for his character so quiet, so his new mom saw how were they treated him in training and and she will help the coach with big michael, after that big michael becoming the best for their strength and height.
Finally they put tutors for the study, so he could go to a good college because when they saw him play football many colleges wanted him only that the notes did not qualify, so that is why big Michael disidió also involved study and achievement rise much your notes, tests performed very well in grammar and his new sister would sit to study with him, until everything came to an end, he graduated and left for college.
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